so what the fuck is inkflow?

well, theres really no need for that kind of vulgar language, but its a new compilation artbook featuring eyepieces by over a hundred artists/illustrators/drafts(wo)men/creatures and gods

were going to fill up 120 pages by may and working on this every single day

a new batch of invites will be released into the wild sometime next week, but if you dont get a golden ticket dont fret my friend, you can send me pictures here at, and as long as theyre badass and theres space, well see

its fun and its going to be a beautiful book if what i have already is any indication

just finished a little teasercake-  have a taste

zip it up, and zip it out

Heres a quick list to see whos jumping in to this mug.(updated 4/13)

spots be fillin

 1. human 
2. swellzombie 
3. neverrider 
4. sikks 
5. captainlaziness 
6. danaladd 
7. shae sveniker 
8. det.roc.boi 
9. jnk ill 
10. edu taborda 
11. tony riff 
12. bill ayton 
13. steve loya 
14. setdebelleza 
15. mike bauer 
16. narcoze 
17. empress of blandings 
18. bwrahbwrah jonguh 
19. tillfabriken
20. fabula
21. ingri haraldsen 
22. lunalee 
23. solidgoldpants 
24. derio5 
25. didier fibus 
26. requiem impaled 
27. brettisagirl 
28. nerfect 
29. mirisch
30. LarsPowderdry
32. Dieter VDO
33. SloaneSloane
34. mariolabate
35. rosek
36. fernandoleon
38. steven ketchum
39. tolagunestro
40. jean pe
41. FLO
42. droptoplovertits
43. drew millward
44. tom bagley
45. sam-cox
46. humusjan
47. vinicius wang


here you can look at some of inkflows genetics, mhm <3

CC Sketchbook
Inkflow: CC Sketchbook II
We Were Here
Paper Futures

Questions, comments, death threats,  <3 or to just say hello :D

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