Its cool when you stumble on a stew that has a lot of ingredients that youre aware of separately, but oblivious that the ingredients have met at any place in time.
I had no idea this was written and originally illustrated by Gerard Way, the singer of My Chemical Romance, nor did i know that James Jean did most of the cover art.
Seeing The White Violin enticed me, thats it.

I like Ben Templesmith, the first thing i read of his was Fell: Feral City, written by Sir Ellis, and i think everything he puts out, is at the very least, consistently interesting and nice and dreamblurish.
Not only did he illustrate Singularity 7, but he wrote it too. Cool characters, awesome visuals, neat story and solid panelwork. Theres a little mini comic at the end too about love, awe.
Respect, mister Templesmith.