Anyway, it seems that munny refacing has come back to life without me knowing it, thanks mostly to a chap named ChukD, with a little help from a few others so far. i havent added them all to the pool yet, but i think i'll start posting them up again periodically for your eye pleasure/torture.
ChukD this ones mine
ifn you fancy seeing more or adding your own to the pool, check the right for a link to the group.
those keeping up know ive set up a channel for music videos. good ones. you know, like they dont make anymore so much.
added a bunch to the channel tonight, its at like 120 something so far and i'm aboooout half done.
heres a couple choice cuts:
Ian Pooley feat. Esthero - Balmes(a better life)
pooleys 'disco love' defines a great part of my life, and i've had a crush on esthero ever since dj krush's 'final home'. listen to both.
J Dilla - Nothing Like This
First heard it on one of the adult swims/stones throw comps, an artist that died way too soon. great song and vid. to quote a youtube comment - "i bet god has dilla all over his ipod." werd.
Ken Ishii - Extra
Ive been looking for a high quality version of this video for years. Literally, YEARS. Just found it :D
Oh, and it's directed by one of my favorite animators of all time, Koji Morimoto, of studio 4C.
Junior Senior - Take My Time
Everybodys heard 'move you feet' but no ones heard this. This is a mistake. Dig the 80s style low budge animation too. The notes make my head happy.
Jefferson Airplane - House at Pooneil Corners (live rooftop performance, 1968)
I may have posted this before, but it bears repeating since its one of the greatest bands of all time. This video encapsulates the late 60s, 100%. (its also a year before the beatles famous rooftop performance, bam.)
PS, Grace Slick. So fucking hot.
Lamb - B-Line
I came up on Lamb one day at Tower Records, yknow, when there were record stores that had pure pure pure music instead of sharing the space with fucking washing machines and laptops(im looking at you best buy). Anyway, this videos awesome and the songs awesome and the whole damn album, 'Fear of Fours' is awesome. So there.
KMFDM - Ultra
This wasnt an official music video, but i remember every Manga video release in the 90s had this video previewing all new stuff, and its still amazing. This is my youth, man. Props to ninja scroll, devilman, tom thumb and ghost in the shell, they stand the test of time. Props to Manga too for thinking "hey we should put badass animation to a badass song for our preview."
Emptying my dump email tonight, that is to say random sites and things that readers send in to hurt my brain and destroy my spirit. And i pass that destruction onto you.
enjoi. A blog of very lovely girls and things run by Joelle Peters, who is quite lovely herself. Webcomix galore by sweet writer/illustrator Aaron Diaz. Home of João Ruas, a ridiculously skilled illustrator in São Paulo.(he did a bunch of Fables covers)
A little olde(May), but it seems science has taken another step towards madness with the first synthetic lifeform. Now comes talks to patent a living thing. Ooooh good. LINKYLINK
Remember that Pacman minigame on google a while back? Apparently it cost world businesses over $120M in lost work. Bwahaha says I. LINKYLINK
ive always had adverse reaction to crushing bugs (spiders in this case) that are situated in my home. my usual response is to pick them up and bring them outside and send them along, and if they manage to find their ways back while im asleep, good on them.
crushing snails is the worst. because you know you never fully crush a snail, especially in the dark. you walk along, until you feel a little crunch and spring your foot up, not soon enough to save them, but not late enough to finish the job. i always picture my foot putting just enough pressure on them to squeeze out their little souls, or life energy or whatever, like a tube of toothpaste, and it would float up, right through my toes, like ghost smoke.
Mags done, got the proof the other day and i gotta make some slight spelling changes and other little crap, but for all intents and purposes, its done.
Spent this whole week so far just lounging about playing video games in my underpants and toking reefer. I deserve it.
But yeah, its about time i get a load of other stuff done that ive just been shoveling under the rug, because, frankly, i have no desire to do any of it. Regardless, gotta jump back into the lab and keep the gears cranking, lest they rust solid. I asked Wiv to help out here a bit with posting and all that, he registered his name here, so thats something i guess.
I heard theres a new study that indicated that people with botox not only dont show emotion fully, since they cant so much, but that they have trouble FEELING emotions as well, suggesting a symbiotic relationship between feelings and the muscles flexed while feeling them. If you cant feel yourself frown or smile, you dont register the feeling as much. thats kinda nutty.