Ok guys, this post makes it official(put on your suits).
We Were Here, the fabled street book, is now available for download via high and low res PDF's for whatever price you deem them to be worthy of(hence the fancy donate button on the right :D).
Its final weighout is 119 pages, full color, 8"x10" landscape and it's completely packed with hundreds of photos from all over the land, as well as interviews with Indigo, Seventenths, Shez and Bustart.
Booyah, son. Booyah!
Heres a 60 meg low-res version(you cant read the interviews, its really just to show you what it looks like before you download the high-res beast :D
We Were Here (low-res)And heres the 800 meg high-res version:
We Were Here (high-res)And heres a high-res torrent if you arent keen on direct downloads:
High-res torrentThere'll also be a printed version in the coming weeks that we're currently taking preorders on(preorder = cheaper = happier), look below for the whole lowdown on preordering :D<3
It really took a lot of work to put this together, so thanks in advance for looking through it and if you really enjoy it, consider preordering the book!
Inkflow@inbox.comENJOY and FEEL FREE TO COMMENT!